Ocean's Twelve is a 2004 American crime comedy film, the sequel to 2001's Ocean's Eleven. Like its predecessor, which was a remake of the 1960 film Ocean's 11, the film was directed by Steven Soderbergh and used a celebrity ensemble cast. It was released in the United States on December 10, 2004. A third film, Ocean's Thirteen, was released on June 8, 2007, in the United States—thus forming the Ocean's Trilogy. The film stars George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Matt Damon, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Andy García, Julia Roberts, Don Cheadle, Bernie Mac and others.
Danny and his gang discover the Night Fox is Baron François Toulour (Vincent Cassel), a wealthy businessman who has a mansion on Lake Como. Toulour invites Danny to his mansion and reveals that he had hired Matsui to inform the gang about the certificate in order to arrange the meeting with Danny. Toulour is upset that LeMarc did not describe him as the best thief in the world, and challenges Danny to steal the Coronation Egg. If Danny and his gang wins, Toulour will pay off the debt to Benedict.
Danny and his gang begin to plan an elaborate heist to swap the Egg for a holographic recreation, but the engineer hired by the group accidentally tips off Lahiri to their presence, and she captures most of The Twelve on their first attempt. Linus (Matt Damon) comes up with a second plan to have Danny's wife Tess (Julia Roberts) pose as a pregnant Julia Roberts in order to get close to The Egg and swap it. They are foiled by Lahiri, and the rest of the group are captured. While Lahiri prepares her case against Danny's team, they are to be extradited to the United States. However, the FBI agent assigned to collect them is in fact Linus' mother (Cherry Jones), who releases the gang.
Some time later, Danny and Tess return to Toulour's estate where he reveals his glee at their failure. Toulour claims to have stolen the Egg at night using his agility and Capoeira skills to evade the heavy security. Toulour's celebration is short-lived when Danny reveals that his group stole the Egg while it was in transit to the museum and Toulour realises they were tipped off by LeMarc. A flashback reveals that Danny and Rusty had met with LeMarc much earlier where he revealed his long con whose success would humiliate Toulour, bring him the Egg that he had stolen years ago and relinquished due to his wife's wishes, and eventually reunite him with his daughter. Toulour is forced to admit Danny won the bet and gives him the money for the debt. They pay back Benedict and promise not to perform any more heists in his casinos but Toulour keeps the group under watch (a foreshadowing of the events of Ocean's Thirteen). With Rusty's help, Lahiri is taken to a safe house lent to him by LeMarc, who reveals himself to be her father. The final scenes of the film, in which the primary characters enjoy a private poker session, imply that she and Rusty have re-kindled their relationship.
Terry Benedict (Andy García) rounds up the original eleven members of Danny Ocean's (George Clooney) gang, demanding they return the $160 million they stole from his casinos with $38 million in interest. Short by half, the group schemes to stage another heist in Europe to avoid problems with United States authorities. They are tipped off by an informant named Matsui (Robbie Coltrane) about the location of the first stock certificate ever. After a complex series of schemes they find the document has already been stolen by "The Night Fox", another master thief. After the failed attempt, Europol Detective Isabel Lahiri (Catherine Zeta-Jones) is called to investigate the theft and realizes Danny's gang attempted the heist based on her previous relationship with Rusty (Brad Pitt) as well as the Night Fox's involvement. She surprises the group at their lodgings, and warns them they cannot beat the Night Fox or his mentor, the mysterious master thief LeMarc (Albert Finney), both of whom she has been hunting for years.Danny and his gang discover the Night Fox is Baron François Toulour (Vincent Cassel), a wealthy businessman who has a mansion on Lake Como. Toulour invites Danny to his mansion and reveals that he had hired Matsui to inform the gang about the certificate in order to arrange the meeting with Danny. Toulour is upset that LeMarc did not describe him as the best thief in the world, and challenges Danny to steal the Coronation Egg. If Danny and his gang wins, Toulour will pay off the debt to Benedict.
Danny and his gang begin to plan an elaborate heist to swap the Egg for a holographic recreation, but the engineer hired by the group accidentally tips off Lahiri to their presence, and she captures most of The Twelve on their first attempt. Linus (Matt Damon) comes up with a second plan to have Danny's wife Tess (Julia Roberts) pose as a pregnant Julia Roberts in order to get close to The Egg and swap it. They are foiled by Lahiri, and the rest of the group are captured. While Lahiri prepares her case against Danny's team, they are to be extradited to the United States. However, the FBI agent assigned to collect them is in fact Linus' mother (Cherry Jones), who releases the gang.
Some time later, Danny and Tess return to Toulour's estate where he reveals his glee at their failure. Toulour claims to have stolen the Egg at night using his agility and Capoeira skills to evade the heavy security. Toulour's celebration is short-lived when Danny reveals that his group stole the Egg while it was in transit to the museum and Toulour realises they were tipped off by LeMarc. A flashback reveals that Danny and Rusty had met with LeMarc much earlier where he revealed his long con whose success would humiliate Toulour, bring him the Egg that he had stolen years ago and relinquished due to his wife's wishes, and eventually reunite him with his daughter. Toulour is forced to admit Danny won the bet and gives him the money for the debt. They pay back Benedict and promise not to perform any more heists in his casinos but Toulour keeps the group under watch (a foreshadowing of the events of Ocean's Thirteen). With Rusty's help, Lahiri is taken to a safe house lent to him by LeMarc, who reveals himself to be her father. The final scenes of the film, in which the primary characters enjoy a private poker session, imply that she and Rusty have re-kindled their relationship.
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